Awaken Virtual

Raise your consciousness to awaken your true potential 

Hello, my friend!

Thank you for taking time out for yourself and working on healing! The spiritual journey of life is such an amazing experience with lots of twists and turns. One minute you will be floating on cloud 9 and the next minute you are in the trenches of dirt. 

I  started my journey after being in a low place mentally and ended up trying to take my own life. The mind will play tricks on you and it's important to realize along this beautiful spiritual journey what thoughts are yours and not your own. 

When you get to such a low state of consciousness there is only one way to go and that is up! I dedicated all my time to research and helping others to navigate through the ups and downs of life. I worked as a Health Coach in 2022 really focusing on the foundational components of finding "happiness" in our lives. I helped others work on building healthy habits like clean eating, finding mental clarity, and breaking the habit loops. This is where my passion for helping people from the inside out truly formed. When you focus on the inside and do the healing everything around you in your environment will start to heal as well. 

While working with my clients and being on my own spiritual journey I found that every person had one common thread. They all had that voice in the back of their head trying to hold them back. We all have such great potential within us but just don't know how to access it. I know how to access the true potential within and I am so excited to share with you!

Life doesn't have to be hard all the time. You will learn how to differentiate, which voice in the head is your own, and when something else is trying to hold you back. Im excited to help you navigate ahead on your desired path! Click the link below to book a Free Discovery Call with me.