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Do you practice Self Reflection? 

If the Answer is no, it may be a sign to start! Self-reflection helps you to be the observer of your day-to-day life and take hold of the circumstances that are trying to take hold of you. 

Taking 5-10 min each night to jot down people, places, or events that have been bothering you will give you a clearer mindset for the work day ahead. You deserve to start fresh every day and be the best businesswoman, wife, momma, friend, and sister you deserve to be. You can't fill anyone else cup till you fill your own. 

Below is a Mind Cluster sheet to get your thoughts down at the end of the day. You don't have to work through all of them at once, but it's good to get them out of your head and on paper. When you write things down you are telling your brain what is important and what no longer serves you. We naturally have encoding going on in our brains at all times. this is the biological process by which the things we perceive and think about travel to our brain's hippocampus where they are analyzed. We can either dwell on the thought which will then get stored in our long-term memory or we can write it down and process it through to help discard it. Writing helps in the encoding so it's not just all in your head floating around causing anxiety.  

#1.) Identify a person place or thing that was causing some emotions to be present today and put that in the middle of the circle.

#2.) On the lines around the circle write down the specific thoughts you had around the person, place or event that caused the emotions to come up. 

#3.)Pick one of the lines. Close your eyes and visualize the event. allow yourself to feel. acknowledge what you feel, where you feel it in your body, say out loud #1 & #2 from the second sheet above. 

#4.) After forgiving you will then surrender the energy. It no longer serves your highest good. Get rid of it!!! Allow it to be transmuted into something greater. 

It is that easy!!!! You will start noticing the patterns in your life and to be present with how you feel. YOU DESERVE TO FEEL!!! We must feel to heal!! REMEMBER all emotion is....ENERGY in MOTION. It just needs to pass through us long enough to create space for something greater.