Our Focus
Raise your consciousness to awaken your true potential
At Awaken Virtual we believe your overall well-being is the foundation for a better life. To create a good foundation you need to have balance with your mind, body, spirit, and soul. If one of these four aspects is out of alignment then you are out of alignment.
Mind: Our thoughts dictate our reality and what we experience every day. We show you how to start to observe your thoughts and harness the energies in a way that works best for you and your lifestyle.
Body: The body you have in this lifetime is your temple. The way you treat your body is an exact reflection of how you treat yourself. You are worth caring for my friend. We take the time to show new habits you can incorporate into your life and help to acknowledge your true maximum potential in this lifetime.
Spirit: Joy is what fuels the spirit. If you are working 9-5 running around to do errands not spending time with yourself you will lack spiritual health. We teach you how to fit in activities and lifestyle changes that will bring you more joy and help you to ground with your daily life.
Soul: The soul is connected with your emotions and the way you feel. The feelings that come up randomly in the day aren't random. Life is happening for you, not to you and the best way your soul speaks to you is through the emotions and feelings you experience. We help you to understand your emotions and regulate them so that you can let go of dense heavy energy and live in the now.